Atelier Emmanuel grey hair

Guest Article: 5 Hair Mistakes That Age You

Guest Article by Barb Quinn

How-to-Grow-Out-Grey-HairEvery woman wants to perfect their hairstyle. A hairstyle that trims a few years off of our look doesn’t hurt, either. But often we pick hairstyles based on what’s “in,” neglecting whether it will work to our benefit, or not. I’ve written on this topic before in my article Helpful Tips To Keep Your Hairstyle Looking Younger. Work with your hair stylist to help transform your appearance and avoid some simple mistakes that others have made:

1. Failing To Emphasize Your Cheekbones
No matter how old you are, you will want to get a haircut that can enhance the cheekbones in your face. This can prevent you from getting a pallid or drawn look. Adding some emphasis to your cheekbones is a proven beauty technique that can make you appear younger. Add this emphasis naturally with a haircut that brings a visual focus to your cheekbones. 

2. Failing to Change Your Hairstyle Over Time
When you have found the right hairstyle, it makes sense to keep it for a while. But if you’ve got the same hairstyle you had in high school… No matter how good the style, at some point it will have to be changed or updated. One of the most common mistakes that average women make is clinging to a style that got compliments early on, and has since overstayed its welcome and become outdated. Let it go girls, two years is a lifetime in hairstyle years. Just do it, make an appointment today to discuss a new look for yourself.

3. Failing to Maintain Healthy Hair
Maintaining healthy strands of hair can be a critical step towards maintaining your youthful appearance. Hair coloring, perms and straightening processes can take a toll on the health of your hair. If your hair has been over-processed you might want to give your locks a rest for a while and go without some of the more invasive hair treatments. Have some hydration therapy done to rejuvenate your fried hair. This can be done by simply adding some sealed steam procedures for your hair. You may be impressed by the life that it restores to the hairstyle that you wear.

4. Overuse of Chemical Treatments
In tune with maintaining healthy hair, you should be careful to choose hairstyles that don’t necessitate the use of many chemical treatments. It can take a toll on your hair if it is used for a prolonged period of time. Give it a rest, and change to a new hairstyle that doesn’t require chemicals, you’ll kill several birds with one stone by changing things up a bit.

5. Failing to Go Short
Short hair tricks the mind into believing that the wearer is much younger than they actually are. The older you get the more you should consider going short. Don’t believe me? Check out this Pinterest Board, “Aging Gracefully” for many great examples. Many over 40 celebs have gone short. Jamie Lee Curtis and Judi Dench are both great examples!

Jamie Lee Curtis  Judi Dench

6. Embracing the Grey
If you’ve looked at images of “women aging gracefully,” another common denominator is that many embrace their grey hair. This doesn’t mean not getting any color services, though! Just that instead of working against your greys, you work with them. The proper use of highlights and toner will keep your greys from looking drab. 

Barb QuinnGuest Author Barb Quinn has been a professional hairstylist for over 30 years and has established herself as a nationally recognized hair designer, educator, and freelance writer. Barb has been chosen by her peers to serve on the advisory panel of Cosmos C International the global hairstylist network and is the Men’s Hair Category Expert for Thousands of women each day follow Barb’s hairstyling wit and wisdom on her highly successful blogs and


